In a great green room, tucked away in bed, is a little bunny. "Goodnight room, goodnight moon." And to all the familiar things in the softly lit room—to the picture of the three little bears sitting on chairs, to the clocks and his socks, to the mittens and the kittens, to everything one by one—the little bunny says …

Celebrating 75 years, The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown, beloved children’s book author of Goodnight Moon.“If you run away,” said his mother, “I will run after you. For you are my little bunny.”A little bunny keeps running away from his mother in this imaginary game of hide-and-seek. Children will be profoundly …

The Color Kittens is a children's book by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Alice and Martin Provensen published in 1949.

by Margaret Wise Brown. These classic bunny books make wonderful Easter basket treats, but the sweet stories and illustrations are sure to delight children all through the year. Home For A Bunny follows a lovable brown bunny on his quest to find a nice place to live. In The Golden Egg Book, a curious bunny just can't …

Little Fur Family is a 1946 picture book written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Garth Williams. It tells the story of a little fur child's day in the woods. The day ends when his big fur parents tuck him in bed "all soft and warm," and sing him to sleep with a bedtime song.

Scuppers The Sailor Dog is a children's book written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Garth Williams. It was originally published in 1953 by Golden Books. The 2001 edition lacks four pages of color illustrations and text found in the original 1953 edition. An interactive CD-ROM version was published in 1996.