A young friend pulls Scotland Yard’s Richard Jury into the life—and death—of a wealthy bachelor. The once-charismatic Billy Maples was last seen in a club named Dust, before his murder in a trendy London hotel. Proving as inscrutable, and challenging, to Jury as the case is the beautiful chief inspecting officer. …
La nuit est tombée sur le West Yorkshire. Dans le salon de l'"Old Silent", la petite auberge de Stanbury, une femme abat froidement son mari sous les yeux du commissaire Jury. La belle Nell Healy remet aussitôt son arme au policier, sans même chercher à s'enfuir. La meurtrière est arrêtée, l'affaire semble close. Rien …
Le très britannique commissaire Richard Jury et ses fidèles acolytes, Melrose Plant et le sergent Wiggins, quittent leur Albion bien-aimée pour les Etats-Unis où les attend un cadavre objet d'un nouveau mystère à éclaircir sous des cieux moins familiers. Tandis qu'il cherche une piste, et essaie de ras-sembler les …
When a dismembered corpse is found in the compartments of an antique secretaire a abattant, Marshall Trueblood, recipient of the precious piece of furniture, is the first to protest: "I bought the desk, not the body, send it back." Who would want to kill Simon Lean, the greedy nephew of the wealthy Lady Summerston? …
Lines from an unknown poem are the trademark of a brutal killer preying on a group of wealthy Americans visiting Stratford and bedeviling the investigation of Scotland Yard's Richard Jury. Reprint.
When an unidentified five-year-old girl is shot on a grimy street in London, Jury knows this will be one of the hardest investigations of his career. He is joined by his colleague DI Johnny Blakeley, head of the paedophile unit of New Scotland Yard, who suspects Viktor Baumann, owner of an iniquitous house on the same …
Over the course of three nights, Harry - a stranger who sits down next to Jury one night in a London pub - spins a complicated story about a good friend of his whose wife, son and dog disappeared over nine-months ago during a house viewing in Surrey. There has been no trace of them and no clue as to what happened. But …