image of ریچارد رایت

ریچارد رایت

... Unknown

Right from the start, Bigger Thomas had been headed for jail. It could have been for assault or petty larceny; by chance, it was for murder and rape. Native Son tells the story of this young black man caught in a downward spiral after he kills a young white woman in a brief moment of panic. Set in Chicago in the …

... Unknown

پسرک سیاه نام یک کتاب ادبی است که توسط ریچارد رایت، نویسندهٔ اهل ایالات متحده آمریکا نوشته شده‌است. این کتاب یکی از آثار مشهور ادبی جهان است.

... Unknown

Uncle Tom's Children is a collection of short stories by African-American author Richard Wright, who is also the author of Black Boy, Native Son, and The Outsider. Uncle Tom's Children includes four short stories and was successful when it was first published in 1938. In 1940, Harper reissued the volume as Uncle Tom's …

... Unknown