Il Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus è l'unica opera pubblicata in vita da Ludwig Wittgenstein ed è considerato uno dei testi filosofici più importanti del Novecento. Si può parlare in generale della genesi del Tractatus come di un processo molto articolato, soprattutto se si considera l'intima relazione che sussiste tra …

Philosophical Investigations is a highly influential work by the 20th-century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. In it, Wittgenstein discusses numerous problems and puzzles in the fields of semantics, logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of action, and the philosophy of mind. He puts …

E'difficile trovare nella storia delle grandi vite di filosofi, di musicisti, di scrittori, di artisti, una vita che sia stata fatta coincidere con un esercizio così assoluto della ricerca della perfezione". Ray Monk affronta in questo libro i drammi intellettuali ed umani di Wittgenstein, come la sua lacerata …

On Certainty is a philosophical book composed from the notes written by Ludwig Wittgenstein just prior to his death. Some of the notes were left at the home of G. E. M. Anscombe, who later compiled the notes into a book. The book's concerns are largely epistemological, its main theme being that there are some things …

The Blue and Brown Books are two sets of notes taken during lectures conducted by Ludwig Wittgenstein between 1933 and 1935. They were mimeographed as two separated books and a few copies were circulated in a restricted circle during Wittgenstein's lifetime. The lecture notes from 1933–4 were bound in blue cloth and …

Culture and Value is a selection from the personal notes of Ludwig Wittgenstein made by Georg Henrik von Wright. It was first published in German as Vermischte Bemerkungen and the text has been emended in following editions. An English translation by Peter Winch was printed in 1980, and reprinted in 1984. Ten years …

Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics is a book of Ludwig Wittgenstein's notes on the philosophy of mathematics. It has been translated from German to English by G.E.M. Anscombe, edited by G.H. von Wright and Rush Rhees, and published first in 1956. The text has been produced from passages in various sources by …