image of ロイド・アリグザンダー


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The Iron Ring is a fantasy novel for children by Lloyd Alexander. It features a young king Tamar who leaves Sundari Palace on a quest journey in a land of humans and talking animals, which are inspired by Indian mythology. The caste system of India is one ground for conflict in the novel and names are strongly Hindi. …

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The Beggar Queen is a fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, the concluding book of a series often called the Westmark trilogy. The series has been called "historical fantasy, set in a time much like our 18th century". Another review has called Westmark of the second volume "an imaginary kingdom with a post-Napoleonic …

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The Kestrel is a fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, the second of three books often called the Westmark trilogy. The novel won the Parent's Choice Award in fiction for Fall 1982. It is set in Westmark, "an imaginary kingdom with a post-Napoleonic cast". Another reviewer has called the series "historical fantasy, set in …

... Unknown

Westmark is a fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, named for a fictional kingdom that is its setting. Alternatively, Westmark is a trilogy named for the novel, its first book. The novel won a 1982 National Book Award. Showing influences of the French existentialist writers whose works Alexander translated early in his …

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The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain is a collection of short high fantasy stories for children by Lloyd Alexander. The 1973 first edition includes six stories; the 1999 edition, eight. All are prequels to The Chronicles of Prydain, Alexander's award-winning series of five novels published 1964 to 1968.

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Time Cat is a fantasy novel by Lloyd Alexander, an American author of more than forty books, primarily fantasy fiction for children. It was his first children's fantasy.

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『旅人タラン』は、アメリカの作家ロイド・アリグザンダーによるファンタジー小説。1967年刊行。「プリデイン物語」全5部作の第4巻。 リールの城の冒険でエイロヌイを救い出したタラン。エイロヌイに好意を抱きプロポーズしたいと思っているが、王女である彼女に対して自分の出自が不明なことから思いを告げられずにいる。 そして、タランは自分の出自を探るために彼の友人ガーギと共に旅に出る。 …