On Being Ill is an essay by Virginia Woolf that appeared in T. S. Eliot's The Criterion in January, 1926; The essay was later reprinted, with revisions, in Forum in April 1926, under the title Illness: An Unexploited Mine. The essay seeks to establish illness as a serious subject of literature along the lines of love, …

『ダロウェイ夫人』は、1925年に発表されたヴァージニア・ウルフの長編小説。第一次世界大戦の爪痕の残るロンドンでの、クラリッサ・ダロウェイの1日を「意識の流れ」の手法で、生、死、時を描いたモダニズム文学の代表作。 …

Virginia Woolf often wrote as many as six letters a day. This collection is illustrated with contemporary photographs and paintings - many of them by members of the Bloomsbury Group, such as Woolf's sister Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry and Duncan Grant - and aims to evoke the literary and artistic life of the day. The …