Yukio Mishima’s The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea explores the vicious nature of youth that is sometimes mistaken for innocence. Thirteen-year-old Noboru is a member of a gang of highly philosophical teenage boys who reject the tenets of the adult world — to them, adult life is illusory, hypocritical, and …


《潮騷》,三島由紀夫作品,1953年3月與8月先後兩度前往神島旅行,9月開始執筆創作,在1954年發表,曾獲第一屆新潮社文學獎。潮騷意思是潮水拍擊岸邊的波浪聲,三島在寫稿的前一年曾經去希臘,因此「潮騷」等於是羅馬的歷史小說「塔夫尼斯與克蘿婀」的現代版。 …


Recognized throughout the world for his brilliance as a novelist and playwright, Yukio Mishima is also noted as a master of the short story in his native Japan, where the form is practiced as a major art. Nine of Yukio Mishima’s finest stories were selected by Mishima himself for translation in this book; they …