Second Foundation is the third novel published of the Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov, and the fifth in the in-universe chronology. It was first published in 1953 by Gnome Press. Second Foundation consists of two previously published novellas originally published in appearing in Astounding Magazine between 1948 and …

The Foundation, a colony of psychologists, battles for supreme power in the galaxy, while also struggling to preserve all the accumulated knowledge of humankind in The Foundation, a sanctuary created by Hari Seldon. Reader's Guide available. Reissue.Title: Foundation and Empire Author: Asimov, Isaac Publisher: Random …

Я, робот — збірник науково-фантастичних оповідань Айзека Азімова опублікований в 1950 році американським видавництвом «Gnome Press», що має великий вплив на сучасну науково-фантастичну літературу, де вперше були сформульовані Три закони робототехніки. Неодноразово перевидавався і перекладався багатьма мовами. …

For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme Now it is dying But only Hari Sheldon creator of the revolutionary science of psychohistory can see into the futureto a dark age of ignorance barbarism and warfare that will last thirty thousand years To preserve knowledge and save mankind Seldon gathers …