This book by Isaac Asimov explains in chronological order important events that happened in our world from the Big Bang until the end of World War II. Each chapter covers a certain time period. The chapter is then broken down into headings for each important empire or country of the time and describes the events that …

This book by Isaac Asimov explains in chronological order important events that happened in our world from the Big Bang until the end of World War II. Each chapter covers a certain time period. The chapter is then broken down into headings for each important empire or country of the time and describes the events that …

Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, by Isaac Asimov, vols I and II, ISBN 978-0-517-26825-4; Maps by the artist Rafael Palacios. This work gives a short guide to every Shakespeare play, and also his two epic poems. Asimov organizes the plays as follows: Greek Roman Italian The English Plays The last two categories are …