The Precipice is the third novel by Ivan Goncharov, first published in January–May 1869 issues of Vestnik Evropy magazine. The novel, conceived in 1849, took twenty years to be completed and has been preceded by the publication of the three extracts: "Sophja Nikolayevna Belovodova", "Grandmother" and "Portrait". The …

On the Eve is the third novel by famous Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, best known for his short stories and the novel Fathers and Sons. Turgenev embellishes this love story with observations on middle class life and interposes some art and philosophy. Nikolay Dobrolyubov was critical of On the Eve, offending Turgenev.

Ivan Gonçarov'un 1859 yılında yayınlanan romanı. Baş kahramanı Oblomov adında bir Rus soylusudur. Oblomov kendisi için hep yeni projeler üzerine düşünür ama tembelleğinden bir türlü bunları hayata geçiremez. Durumu daha da kötüye gitmeye ve toprağını kaybetmeye başlar. Olga'ya olan büyük aşkı bile değişmesine sebep …