《憨第德》是1759年,启蒙运动时期哲学家伏尔泰所著的一部法国讽刺小说。这部中篇小说以一位名为憨第德的青年揭开序幕,先描述他在一位贵族的城堡里过着受庇护无忧无虑的生活,与贵族的女儿相互倾心,同时被他的老师潘格罗士灌输予莱布尼茨式乐观主义。然而,好日不长,一天憨第德一时冲动亲吻了Cunegonde,恰巧被她父亲撞见,于是憨第德被这贵族“踢着背”赶了出城堡。憨第德从此开始了他漫长的旅行生涯,周游欧洲各地以及北美洲。一路上他见证并亲身体会了人间的苦难,潘格罗士所教授给他的乐观主义不断受到挑战,并开始不断质问人生的意义。在最后,几经离合,当众人再次聚在一块时,憨第德做出结论,如不彻底的拒斥乐观主义,专注于现实辛勤耕耘,人生才不会那么痛苦,“ …

《憨第德》是1759年,启蒙运动时期哲学家伏尔泰所著的一部法国讽刺小说。这部中篇小说以一位名为憨第德的青年揭开序幕,先描述他在一位贵族的城堡里过着受庇护无忧无虑的生活,与贵族的女儿相互倾心,同时被他的老师潘格罗士灌输予莱布尼茨式乐观主义。然而,好日不长,一天憨第德一时冲动亲吻了Cunegonde,恰巧被她父亲撞见,于是憨第德被这贵族“踢着背”赶了出城堡。憨第德从此开始了他漫长的旅行生涯,周游欧洲各地以及北美洲。一路上他见证并亲身体会了人间的苦难,潘格罗士所教授给他的乐观主义不断受到挑战,并开始不断质问人生的意义。在最后,几经离合,当众人再次聚在一块时,憨第德做出结论,如不彻底的拒斥乐观主义,专注于现实辛勤耕耘,人生才不会那么痛苦,“ …

The Dictionnaire philosophique is an encyclopedic dictionary published by Voltaire in 1764. The alphabetically arranged articles often criticize the Roman Catholic Church and other institutions. The first edition, released in June 1764, went by the name of Dictionnaire philosophique portatif. It was 344 pages and …

《憨第德》是1759年,启蒙运动时期哲学家伏尔泰所著的一部法国讽刺小说。这部中篇小说以一位名为憨第德的青年揭开序幕,先描述他在一位贵族的城堡里过着受庇护无忧无虑的生活,与贵族的女儿相互倾心,同时被他的老师潘格罗士灌输予莱布尼茨式乐观主义。然而,好日不长,一天憨第德一时冲动亲吻了Cunegonde,恰巧被她父亲撞见,于是憨第德被这贵族“踢着背”赶了出城堡。憨第德从此开始了他漫长的旅行生涯,周游欧洲各地以及北美洲。一路上他见证并亲身体会了人间的苦难,潘格罗士所教授给他的乐观主义不断受到挑战,并开始不断质问人生的意义。在最后,几经离合,当众人再次聚在一块时,憨第德做出结论,如不彻底的拒斥乐观主义,专注于现实辛勤耕耘,人生才不会那么痛苦,“ …

Zadig ou la Destinée is a famous novel and work of philosophical fiction written by Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire. It tells the story of Zadig, a philosopher in ancient Babylonia. The author does not attempt any historical accuracy, and some of the problems Zadig faces are thinly disguised references to social …

Lettres philosophiques is a series of essays written by Voltaire based on his experiences living in England between 1726 and 1729. It was published first in English in 1733 and then in French the following year, where it was seen as an attack on the French system of government and was rapidly suppressed. Most modern …

L'Ingénu is a satirical novella by the French writer Voltaire, published in 1767. It tells the story of a Huron called "Child of Nature" who, after having crossed the Atlantic to England, crosses into Brittany, France in the 1690s. Upon arrival, a prior notices depictions of his brother and sister-in-law, whom they …