"What I Believe" is the title of two essays espousing humanism, by Bertrand Russell and by E. M. Forster, respectively. Several other authors have also written works with the same title, alluding to either or both of these essays.
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy is a book by Bertrand Russell, published in 1919, written in part to exposit in a less technical way the main ideas of his and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica, including the theory of descriptions. Mathematics and logic, historically speaking, have been entirely distinct …
A hatalom c. könyvet Bertrand Russell filozófus és matematikus írta 1938 előtt, A társadalom újszerű elemzése alcímmel Alcím: A társadalom újszerű elemzése Írta: Bertrand Russell ISBN 963-9548-31-6 Typotex kiadó, 2004. Fordította: Ádám András
Marriage and Morals is a 1929 book by the philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell that questions the Victorian notions of morality regarding sex and marriage. Russell argued that the laws and ideas about sex of his time were a potpourri from various sources, which were no longer valid with the advent of …