«Приключения Салли» — роман Пэлема Гренвилла Вудхауса. Печатался в трёх номерах американского журнала Collier’s Weekly, затем появился в британском журнале Grand. Впервые был выпущен отдельной книгой в Великобритании издательством Герберта Дженкинса 17 октября 1922 года. В США роман издал Джордж Доран 23 марта 1923 …

Big Money is a novel by P.G. Wodehouse, first published in the United States on January 30, 1931 by Doubleday, Doran, New York, and in the United Kingdom on March 20, 1931 by Herbert Jenkins, London. It was serialised in Collier's from 20 September to 6 December 1930 and in the Strand Magazine between October 1930 and …

The Clicking of Cuthbert is a collection of ten short stories by P. G. Wodehouse, all with a golfing theme. It was first published in the United Kingdom on February 3, 1922, by Herbert Jenkins Ltd of London. It was later published in the United States by George H. Doran of New York on May 28, 1924, under the title …

Galahad at Blandings is a novel by P. G. Wodehouse, first published in the United States on 31 December 1964 by Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York under the title The Brinkmanship of Galahad Threepwood, and in the United Kingdom on 26 August 1965 by Herbert Jenkins, London. It forms part of the Blandings Castle …

The Oldest Member's reverence for golf does not cramp his style in telling some of the funniest, tallest and most joyful stories in the whole Wodehouse canon. In this splendid omnibus, introduced by Wodehouse himself, love and the links are inextricably intertwined, in this bumper collection of hilarious short stories …

Hot Water is a novel by P.G. Wodehouse, first published on August 17, 1932, in the United Kingdom by Herbert Jenkins, London, and in the United States by Doubleday, Doran, New York. The novel had been serialised in Collier's from 21 May to 6 August 1932. It was subsequently adapted for the stage by Wodehouse and his …