Lupul de mare este opera scriitorului american Jack London, prima ediție fiind publicată în anul 1904. Încă de la prima ediție se dovedește un roman de mare succes.
Călcâiul de fier este un roman al scriitorului american Jack London, scris în 1907 și publicat în 1908 cu scopul de a exprima punctul de vedere asupra modului în care capitaliștii și socialiștii vor ajunge să se “lupte”. Rezultatul este un roman sumbru despre modul în care capitalismul va recurge în cele din urmă la …
Before Adam is a novel by Jack London, serialized in 1906 and 1907 in Everybody's Magazine. It is the story of a boy who dreams he lives the life of an early hominid Australopithecine. The story offers an early view of human evolution. The majority of the story is told through the eyes of the boy's hominid alter ego, …
The Assassination Bureau, Ltd is a thriller novel, begun by Jack London and finished after his death by Robert L. Fish. It was published in 1963. The plot follows Ivan Dragomiloff, who, in a twist of fate, finds himself pitted against the secret assassination agency he founded. The novel was based on a story idea …
South Sea Tales (1911) is a collection of short stories written by Jack London. Most stories are set in island communities, like those of Hawaii, or are set aboard a ship.
The Road is an autobiographical memoir by Jack London, first published in 1907. It is London's account of his experiences as a hobo in the 1890s, during the worst economic depression the United States had experienced up to that time. He describes his experiences hopping freight trains, "holding down" a train when the …