Jumala ei ole suuri: Kuinka uskonto myrkyttää kaiken on Christopher Hitchensin vuonna 2007 ilmestynyt uskontokriittinen kirja. Hitchens puolustaa ateismia ja arvostelee uskontoja sorron ja pahuuden lähteenä. Teos nousi The New York Timesin bestseller-listan kärkeen ja siitä tuli kuuluisa Sam Harrisin, Richard …

The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Non-Believer is a book by Christopher Hitchens, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of God Is Not Great. He was a contributing editor to Vanity Fair. Hitchens wrote introductions to each article he compiled for this anthology. The main introduction is centered on …

Letters to a Young Contrarian is Christopher Hitchens' contribution, released in 2001, to the Art of Mentoring series published by Basic Books. Inspired by his students at The New School in New York and "a challenge that was made to me in the early months of the year 2000," the book is addressed directly to the …

The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice is an essay by the British-American journalist and polemicist Christopher Hitchens published in 1995. It is a critique of the work and philosophy of Mother Teresa, the founder of an international Roman Catholic religious congregation, and it challenges the …

Why Orwell Matters, released in the UK as Orwell's Victory, is a book-length biographical essay by Christopher Hitchens. In it, the author relates George Orwell's thoughts on and actions in relation to: the British Empire; the left; the right; the United States; English conventions; feminism and women; and his …

The Trial of Henry Kissinger on Christopher Hitchensin vuonna 2001 ilmestynyt kirja Yhdysvaltojen ulkopolitiikan vaikuttajan Henry Kissingerin väitetyistä sotarikoksista.

Rakkaus, köyhyys ja sota on Christopher Hitchensin vuonna 2004 ilmestynyt essee- ja reportaasikokoelma. Osio ”Rakkaus” sisältää esseitä Hitchensin arvostamista kirjailijoista, joihin kuuluvat muun muassa Evelyn Waugh, James Joyce, Jorge Luis Borges ja Rudyard Kipling. ”Köyhyydessä” arvostellaan muun muassa Äiti …

Thomas Jefferson: Author of America is a short biography of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, by author, journalist and literary critic Christopher Hitchens. It was released as a part of Harper Collins' Eminent Lives series of "brief …