《神鬼认证》是著名惊悚小说作家劳勃·勒德伦于1980年代写下的作品,内容叙述一名失去记忆的男子-杰森·包恩,必须找到自己的记忆还有了解为什么有一名杀手还有CIA在追杀他。神鬼系列的作品,勒德伦一共写了三集,而后的艾瑞克·范·勒斯贝德写下了第四部以及第五部的神鬼系列作品。 《神鬼认证》是勒德伦笔下相当脍炙人口的一系列作品,该系列还曾经被拍成电影和电视系列剧。《神鬼认证》的电视系列剧在1988年由理查·张伯伦饰演杰森·包恩和贾桂林·史密斯饰演玛莉·圣雅各。而电影则是由麦特·戴蒙饰演杰森·包恩,法兰卡·波坦特饰演玛莉。 …

《神鬼通牒》 是劳勃·勒德伦神鬼认证三部曲的最后一部作品,杰森·包恩-勒德伦笔下的家喻户晓的英雄,要再度面对他人生的宿敌-“豺狼”卡洛斯。虽然勒德伦写下这本书后就将神鬼系列做了完结,但勒德伦死后,艾瑞克·范·勒斯貝德替神鬼系列做了续集,第四部名称为《神鬼传承》,台湾在2007年12月24日出版。 …

Michael Havelock’s world died on a moonlit beach on the Costa Brava as he watched his partner and lover, double agent Jenna Karas, efficiently gunned down by his own agency. There’s nothing left for him but to quit the game, get out. Then, in one frantic moment on a crowded railroad platform in Rome, Havelock sees …

The Sigma Protocol is the last novel written completely by Robert Ludlum, and was published posthumously. It is the story of the son of a Holocaust survivor who gets entangled in an international conspiracy by industrialists and financiers to take advantage of wartime technology.

The Ambler Warning is a Robert Ludlum spy thriller set in part on Parrish Island, a restricted island off the coast of Virginia. Left as an incomplete manuscript by Ludlum's death in 2001, the author's estate hired an author and an editor to finalize the manuscript for publication in October 2005. Early sales placed …

Her weapons: money and power. Her target: the most dangerous man in the world—her own son. Elizabeth Wyckham Scarlatti has a plan, a desperate, last-minute gamble designed to save the world from her son, Ulster, an incalculably cruel man who is working for the Third Reich under the name of Heinrich Kroeger. If …

The Chancellor Manuscript is a 1977 novel, by American writer Robert Ludlum, about the "alleged" secret files of J. Edgar Hoover and how they disappeared after his death, and how they possibly could be used to force people in high places to do the bidding of those who possessed the secrets contained therein. It also …