Den tyske ideologi regnes i dag som et af de vigtigste filosofiske værker af Karl Marx og Friedrich Engels. Det blev skrevet omkring 1845, men målet med teksten var ifølge Marx at opnå egenforståelse og derfor blev teksten overladt til gemmerne. Først i 1932 blev det meste af manuskriptet, som ikke længere var …
Featuring the works from Marx's enormous corpus, this title covers Marx's development from the Hegelian idealism of his youth to the mature socialism of his later works. It includes writings from Marx's early philosophical works, and the central writings on historical materialism.
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 are a series of notes written between April and August 1844 by Karl Marx. Not published by Marx during his lifetime, they were first released in 1927 by researchers in the Soviet Union.