City of Illusions is a 1967 post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin, set on Earth in the distant future in her Hainish Cycle. City of Illusions is significant because it lays the foundation for the Hainish cycle, a fictional world in which the majority of Ursula K. Le Guin's Science Fiction novels …
Dancing at the Edge of the World is a 1989 nonfiction collection by Ursula K. Le Guin. The works are divided into two categories: talks and essays, and book and movie reviews. Within the categories, the works are organized chronologically, and are further marked by what Le Guin calls the Guide Ursuline—a system of …
Centuries ago, the moon Anarres was settled by utopian anarchists who left the Earthlike planet Urras in search of a better world, a new beginning. Now a brilliant physicist, Shevek, determines to reunite the two civilizations that have been separated by hatred since long before he was born. The Dispossessed is a …