image of அர்சலா கே. லா குவின்

அர்சலா கே. லா குவின்

... Unknown

The Compass Rose is a 1982 collection of short stories by Ursula K. Le Guin. It is organized into sections on the theme of directions, though not strictly compass-related as the title implies. It won the Locus Award for best Single Author Collection in 1983.

... Unknown

Centuries ago, the moon Anarres was settled by utopian anarchists who left the Earthlike planet Urras in search of a better world, a new beginning. Now a brilliant physicist, Shevek, determines to reunite the two civilizations that have been separated by hatred since long before he was born. The Dispossessed is a …

... Unknown
... Unknown

The Farthest Shore is a young-adult fantasy novel by the American author Ursula K. Le Guin, first published by Atheneum in 1972. It is the third book in the series commonly called the Earthsea Cycle. As the next Earthsea novel, Tehanu, would not be released until 1990, The Farthest Shore is sometimes referred to as …

... Unknown