Dateline: Toronto is a collection of most of the stories that Ernest Hemingway wrote as a stringer and later staff writer and foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star between 1920 and 1924. The stories were written while Hemingway was in his early 20s before he became well-known, and show his development as a …

The Nick Adams Stories is een verzameling van korte verhalen geschreven door Ernest Hemingway die werd gepubliceerd in 1972, tien jaar na de dood van de auteur. Het boek brengt alle verhalen over het personage Nick Adams bijeen die tijdens Hemingways leven al eerder in diverse collecties waren uitgegeven. The Nick …

The Dangerous Summer is a nonfiction book by Ernest Hemingway published posthumously in 1985 and written in 1959 and 1960. The book describes the rivalry between bullfighters Luis Miguel Dominguín and his brother-in-law, Antonio Ordóñez, during the "dangerous summer" of 1959. It has been cited as Hemingway's last …