《屠场》是美国记者、作家厄普顿·辛克莱 于1906年出版的小说辛克莱在书中描述了美国移民的生活。许多读者则对书中揭露的以芝加哥为背景的肉类加工业中的问题更为感兴趣。小说描绘了贫困、社会服务缺失、恶劣的生存与工作环境,以及工人阶级中的绝望、官僚阶级的腐败等问题。作家杰克·伦敦称小说描绘了“类似《汤姆叔叔的小屋》工资奴隶制。” …

For nearly a century, the original version of Upton Sinclair's classic novel has remained almost entirely unknown. When it was published in serial form in 1905, it was a full third longer than the censored, commercial edition published in book form the following year. That expurgated commercial edition edited out much …

Oil! is a novel by Upton Sinclair published in 1927 told as a third person narrative, with only the opening pages written in the second person. The book was written in the context of the Harding administration's Teapot Dome Scandal and takes place in Southern California. It is a social and political satire skewering …

The Flivver King: A Story of Ford-America is a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1937, that tells the intertwined stories of Henry Ford and a fictional Ford worker Abner Shutt.

Lanny Budd infiltrates the Nazi high command in the riveting sixth chapter of Upton Sinclair’s Pulitzer Prize–winning series of historical novels Dashing and well-connected, Lanny Budd has earned the trust of the Nazi high command. To Adolf Hitler and his inner circle, the American art dealer is a “true believer” …

King Coal is a 1917 novel by Upton Sinclair that describes the poor working conditions in the coal mining industry in the western United States during the 1910s, from the perspective of a single protagonist, Hal Warner. As in his earlier work, The Jungle, Sinclair uses the novel to express his socialist viewpoint. The …