'This selection is a ceaseless delight ... there is a treat on almost every page' Daily TelegraphGeorge Orwell wrote, in his words, from 'a desire to see things as they are'. This new collection of his journalism and other writings, including articles, essays, broadcasts, poems, book and film reviews from across his …
George Orwell was first and foremost an essayist, producing throughout his life an extraordinary array of short nonfiction that reflected--and illuminated--the fraught times in which he lived. "As soon as he began to write something," comments George Packer in his foreword, "it was as natural for Orwell to propose, …
Dienos Paryžiuje ir Londone – pusiau autobiografinis Džordžo Orvelo pasakojimas apie gyvenimą skurde Paryžiuje ir Londone, pirmoji jo knyga. Istorija pradedama Paryžiuje, kur Orvelas gyveno dvejus metus, pragyvenimui užsidirbdamas iš anglų kalbos mokymo, recenzijų ir straipsnių rašymo įvairiems periodiniams …