image of Sheridan Le Fanu

Sheridan Le Fanu

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Carmilla is a Gothic novella by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction. It was first published in 1871 as a serial narrative in The Dark Blue. It tells the story of a young woman's susceptibility to the attentions of a female vampire named Carmilla. It predates Bram Stoker's Dracula by …

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Uncle Silas, escrita en 1864 a partir d'un relat breu anterior del mateix autor, és una de les obres més conegudes de Sheridan Le Fanu. El seu èxit ha propiciat l'adaptació al cinema en 1947 i la seva influència és visible en moltes novel·les del gènere gòtic posterior.

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In a Glass Darkly is a collection of five short stories by Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872, the year before his death. The second and third are revised versions of previously published stories, and the fourth and fifth are long enough to be called novellas. The title is taken from 1 Corinthians 13, a …

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Green Tea and Other Ghost Stories is a collection of fantasy and horror short stories by author J. Sheridan Le Fanu. It was released in 1945 and was the author's first book to be published in the United States. It was published by Arkham House in an edition of 2,026 copies. A much less extensive collection of Le Fanu …

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The House by the Churchyard is a novel by Sheridan Le Fanu that combines elements of the mystery novel and the historical novel. Aside from its own merits, the novel is important as a key source for James Joyce's Finnegans Wake.

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