Pronto is a crime novel written by Elmore Leonard and published in 1993. Leonard introduces three main characters and gets them moving against each other. Harry is constantly reminiscing about World War II. Tommy carries a picture of the old crime boss Frank Costello in his wallet. Raylan is a U.S. Marshal who wears a …

Punch créole est un roman de l'écrivain de westerns et de polars américain Elmore Leonard. Le roman est sorti en 1992 aux États-Unis, et la version française est parue chez Payot & Rivages en 1994.

Riding the Rap is a 1995 crime fiction novel by Elmore Leonard. It is the sequel to Leonard's Pronto, released in 1993. Like Pronto, Riding the Rap centers around 67 year-old Harry Arno, World War II veteran and bookie, who has been skimming from the mob for decades. The book also features a reappearance of Joyce …