The Return of Tarzan is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the second in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was first published in the pulp magazine New Story Magazine in the issues for June through December 1913; the first book edition was published in 1915 by A. C. McClurg.
The Warlord of Mars is a science fantasy novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the third of his famous Barsoom series. Burroughs began writing it in June, 1913, going through five working titles; Yellow Men of Barsoom, The Fighting Prince of Mars, Across Savage Mars, The Prince of Helium, and The War Lord of Mars. …
After the long exile on Earth, John Carter finally returned to his beloved Mars. But beautiful Dejah Thoris, the woman he loved, had vanished. Now he was trapped in the legendary Eden of Mars -- an Eden from which none ever escaped alive Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited …
„Принцесата на Марс“ е роман на Едгар Бъроуз. Романът е публикуван на 6 части в списание „The All-Story“ през 1912 г. под заглавие „Under the Moons of Mars“. В самостоятелен том произведението е издадено за пръв път на 10 октомври 1917 г. На български език романът е издаден през 1926 г. от печатница „Радикал“ със …
„Изгубеният свят“ е роман на английския писател Артър Конан Дойл, издаден през 1912 г., и първата творба на автора свързана с образа на ексцентричния изследовател професор Челинджър. Произведението описва ново и неоткрито късче от Земята, намиращо се на плато в Южна Америка, което е запазило непокътнато един …
Tarzan of the Apes is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first in a series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was first published in the pulp magazine All-Story Magazine in October, 1912. The character was so popular that Burroughs continued the series into the 1940s with two dozen sequels. For …