The Moon and Sixpence is a novel by W Somerset Maugham, told in episodic form by a first-person narrator, in a series of glimpses into the mind and soul of the central character Charles Strickland, a middle-aged English stockbroker, who abandons his wife and children abruptly to pursue his desire to become an artist. …
Then and Now is a historical novel by W. Somerset Maugham. Set in Florence, Italy during the Renaissance, the story focuses on three months in the life of Niccolo Machiavelli, the Florentine politician, diplomat, philosopher and writer in the early years of the 16th century. The book was first published by Heinemann …
Vălul pictat este un roman scris de Somerset Maugham și publicat în 1925. Titlul provine de la sonetul lui Percy Bysshe Shelley care începe cu versul „Nu ridica acel văl pictat, pe care cei care trăiesc îl numesc Viață”. Biograful Richard Cordell susține că opera a fost inspirată de studiile științifice ale autorului …
This is the story of a young man in search of himself. It is set in Paris, the Riviera and the East, all areas the author knows well. As the record of a journey of human spirit, it stands with OF HUMAN BONDAGE as one of the great English novels of our time. THE RAZOR'S EDGE has twice been adapted successfully to the …
THE SUMMING UP represents Maugham's life and philosophy in his own words. It is autobiographical in nature, though most of the work is concerned with Maugham's unique and fascinating opinions on the theatre, writing, metaphysics and the interesting people he encountered in his long and successful career. His style is …