Catwings is a series of four American children's picture books written by Ursula K. Le Guin, illustrated by S. D. Schindler, and originally published by Scholastic from 1988 to 1999. It follows the adventures of kittens who were born with wings. Alternatively, Catwings is the first book in the series. The series is in …
Les Dépossédés est un roman de Ursula K. Le Guin publié en 1974. Il fait partie d'un cycle intitulé le Cycle de l'Ekumen. Qualifié par son auteure d'« utopie ambiguë », ce roman décrit la vie des habitants d'Anarres, un monde fondé sur les principes du communisme libertaire et ceux de son pendant capitaliste sur Urras …
In print for more than three decades and translated into dozens of languages, here is the audio release of the first book in The Earthsea Trilogy. This is a tale of wizards, dragons, and shadows, played in an archipelago of imagined islands. The young boy Sparrowhawk becomes apprentice to a Master Wizard; but …
The Eye of the Heron is a 1978 science fiction novel by U.S. author Ursula K. Le Guin which was first published in the science fiction anthology Millennial Women.
Malafrena is a 1979 novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. Although she is best known for science fiction and fantasy, the only unusual element of this novel is that it takes place in the imaginary Central European country of Orsinia, which is also the setting of her collection Orsinian Tales. In many ways, Malafrena reads like …