"И магарето видя ангела" е първият роман на музиканта и писател Ник Кейв. Първоначално е публикуван през 1989 г. от „Black Spring Press“ във Великобритания и „Harper Collins“ в САЩ. През 2003 г. е издадена повторно от „2.13.61, Inc.“. Печата се и колекционерско издание през лятото на 2007 г. от „Black Spring …

King Ink is a collection of poetry, lyrics, plays and writings by Australian musician and author Nick Cave. It was first published in the United Kingdom by Black Spring Press in 1988.

King Ink II is a collection of poetry, lyrics and writings by Australian musician and author Nick Cave. It was first published in the United Kingdom by Black Spring Press in 1997 and is a follow-up to Cave's first collection of writings, King Ink. Cave's writings included in King Ink II extends from the period from …