時は産業革命、英国の数学家チャールズ・バベッジによって発明された「差分機関」の完成で、蒸気機関が著しく発達した1855年のロンドン。蒸気が支配する異形の世界で、革命家の娘シビル・ジェラードは謎の紳士との出会いをきっかけに遥かな冒険を夢想し、古生物学者エドワード・マロリーは暴漢に絡まれる女性エイダ・バイロンを救い、国際的陰謀へと巻き込まれる! サイバーパンクの中心的な作家ふたりが紡ぐ記念碑的名作。 …
Schismatrix /skɪˈzmætrɪks/ is a science fiction novel by Bruce Sterling, originally published in 1985. The story was Sterling's only novel-length treatment of the Shaper/Mechanist universe. Five short stories preceded the novel. Schismatrix was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1985, and the British …
The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier is a work of nonfiction by Bruce Sterling first published in 1992. The book discusses watershed events in the hacker subculture in the early 1990s. The most notable topic covered is Operation Sundevil and the events surrounding the 1987-1990 war on the …