image of Kurts Vonnegūts

Kurts Vonnegūts

* November 11, 1922 in United States - † April 11, 2007 in United States
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Laikatrīce ir daļēji autobiogrāfisks Kurta Vonnegūta romāns, kas izdots 1997. gadā. Pats Vonnegūts šo romānu aprakstīja kā "sautējumu" no kopsavilkuma romānam, ar kuru viņš mocījās vairākus gadus, un pieaugošo nostaļģiju par dažādiem viņa dzīves notikumiem. To uzrakstījis, Vonnegūts paziņoja, ka "Laikatrīce" būs viņa …

... Unknown

Bluebeard, the Autobiography of Rabo Karabekian is a 1987 novel by best-selling author Kurt Vonnegut. It is told as a first person narrative and describes the late years of fictional Abstract Expressionist painter Rabo Karabekian, who first appeared, rather briefly, in Breakfast of Champions. Circumstances of the …

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Slapstick, or Lonesome No More! is a science fiction novel by American author Kurt Vonnegut. Written in 1976, it depicts Vonnegut's views of loneliness, both on an individual and social scale. The book was adapted into the 1982 film Slapstick of Another Kind.

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Hocus Pocus, or What's the Hurry, Son? is a 1990 novel by Kurt Vonnegut.

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Līņu Pēteris 1982.gadā izdots Kurta Vonnegūta romāns.

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Jailbird is a novel by Kurt Vonnegut, originally published in 1979; it has come to be known as "his Watergate novel". The plot involves elements ranging from labor movement of the early 20th century to the Nixon Whitehouse, and revolves around Walter F. Starbuck, a man recently released from a low security prison …

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Bagombo Snuff Box is an assortment of short stories written by Kurt Vonnegut published in 1999. The book contains previously published, but uncollected short fiction that did not appear in Vonnegut's previous collection, Welcome to the Monkey House. Though almost all the stories were initially written and published in …

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Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons is a collection of essays, reviews, short travel accounts, and human interest stories written by Kurt Vonnegut from c. 1966–1974.

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God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian, by Kurt Vonnegut, is a collection of short fictional interviews written by Vonnegut and first broadcast on NPR. The title parodies that of Vonnegut's 1965 novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater.

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Armageddon in Retrospect is a collection of short stories and essays about war and peace written by Kurt Vonnegut. It is the first posthumous collection of his previously unpublished writings. The book includes an introduction by Mark Vonnegut as well as a letter from Kurt to his family about his experiences as an …