"Titano sirenos" - antrasis Kurto Vonneguto romanas. Jis pasirode 1959 m., praejus septyneriems metams po pirmojo jo romano "Pianola". Sikart viskas nutiko gan neiprastai, mat is pradziu romana minkstais virseliais isleido mokslines fantastikos leidykla. Po netiketos knygos sekmes ne tik tarp fantastikos megeju, bet …
There's been a timequake. And everyone—even you—must live the decade between February 17, 1991 and February 17, 2001 over again. The trick is that we all have to do exactly the same things as we did the first time—minute by minute, hour by hour, year by year, betting on the wrong horse again, marrying the wrong person …