The unabridged versions of these definitive works are now available together as a highly designed paperback with flaps with a new introduction by Robert Weick. Part of the Knickerbocker Classics series, a modern design makes this timeless book a perfect travel companion. Considered to be one of the most influential …
"Kommunistliku partei manifest" on Karl Marxi ja Friedrich Engelsi teos, mis ilmus esmakordselt 21. veebruaril 1848 Londonis saksa keeles. Manifest valmis 1847 Kommunistide Liidu II kongressi ülesandel Kommunistide Liidu programmina, mis andis tegevusjuhised kapitalismi kukutamiseks ning klassideta ühiskonna …
Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy is a book published by Friedrich Engels in 1886. According to Engels, the seed for this book was planted 40 years before, in the The German Ideology written by Marx and Engels, but unpublished in their lifetime. The undertaking is performed to deal critically …