《毛泽东:鲜为人知的故事》是张戎及其丈夫乔·哈利戴合著的一本毛泽东传记,耗时约10年完成。全书五十八章,中文版700页,资料来源占82页。张戎夫妇为完成此书,访问过数百名毛的亲友、与毛共事、交往的中外知情人、见证者及各国政要,包括六名总统、六名总理、四名外交部长、十三名前各国共产党领袖。这些人物中,有美国前国务卿基辛格、美国前总统福特、英国前首相希思、达赖喇嘛、斯大林与赫鲁晓夫的翻译、张学良、蒋经国、陈立夫等。访问毛身边工作过的人员达十八人以上。毛的主要同事和亲属和身边工作人员也几乎都访问过。同时,深入俄罗斯、阿尔巴尼亚、东德、美国、英国、梵蒂冈等二十八个档案馆,取得许多闻所未闻的史料。 …

In Wild Swans Jung Chang recounts the evocative, unsettling, and insistently gripping story of how three generations of women in her family fared in the political maelstrom of China during the 20th century. Chang's grandmother was a warlord's concubine. Her gently raised mother struggled with hardships in the early …

A New York Times Notable Book Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) is the most important woman in Chinese history. She ruled China for decades and brought a medieval empire into the modern age. At the age of sixteen, in a nationwide selection for royal consorts, Cixi was chosen as one of the emperor's numerous concubines. …