The Master Mind of Mars is an Edgar Rice Burroughs science fantasy novel, the sixth of his famous Barsoom series. Burroughs' working titles for the novel were A Weird Adventure on Mars and Vad Varo of Barsoom. It was first published in the magazine Amazing Stories Annual vol. 1, July 15, 1927. The first book edition …

The Moon Maid is an Edgar Rice Burroughs Lost World novel. It was written in three parts, Part 1 was begun in June 1922 under the title The Moon Maid, Part 2 was begun in 1919 under the title Under the Red Flag, later retitled The Moon Men, Part 3 was titled the The Red Hawk. As evident from its name, Under the Red …

The Moon Maid is an Edgar Rice Burroughs Lost World novel. It was written in three parts, Part 1 was begun in June 1922 under the title The Moon Maid, Part 2 was begun in 1919 under the title Under the Red Flag, later retitled The Moon Men, Part 3 was titled the The Red Hawk. As evident from its name, Under the Red …

The Outlaw of Torn is a 1927 historical novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, originally published as a five-part serial in New Story Magazine from January to May, 1914. It was first published in book form by A. C. McClurg in 1927. It was his second novel, his first being the science fiction work A Princess of Mars. His …