The Ogre Downstairs is a 1974 fantasy novel for children. It is British author Diana Wynne Jones' third published novel.

The Merlin Conspiracy is a children's fantasy novel by Diana Wynne Jones, published by HarperCollins in April 2003, simultaneously in Britain and America. It is a sequel to Deep Secret. In the 2004 poll of Locus readers to confer the annual Locus Awards, it finished third among the year's young-adult books. Deep …

The Magicians of Caprona is a children's fantasy novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones published by MacMillan Children's Books in 1980. It was the second published of seven Chrestomanci books. It features the venerable Italian family spell-houses Casa Montana and Casa Petrocchi in Caprona, a small independent …

The childhood of Chrestomanci. Everything in this book happens at least twenty-five years before the story told in Charmed Life! Discovering that he has nine lives and is destined to be the next 'Chrestomanci' is not part of Christopher's plans for the future: he'd much rather play cricket and wander around his secret …

The Homeward Bounders is a fantasy novel by Diana Wynne Jones with the chilling premise that there is a vast series of parallel universes, all of which serve as the game-boards for a race of demons that delight in war-games and fantasy-games. The style in which she presents this strange premise is directed at …

The Game is a fantasy novel written by Diana Wynne Jones. It explores a young girl's life and her relation to the "Mythosphere." This book pulls heavily from Greek and even some Russian Mythology.