Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse is an anthology of post-apocalyptic fiction published by Night Shade Books in January 2008, edited by John Joseph Adams. The anthology includes 22 stories, plus an introduction by the editor. According to the anthology's official web site, "Wastelands explores the scientific, …

Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse is an anthology of post-apocalyptic fiction published by Night Shade Books in January 2008, edited by John Joseph Adams. The anthology includes 22 stories, plus an introduction by the editor. According to the anthology's official web site, "Wastelands explores the scientific, …

Vlucht naar de top is een sciencefictionverhaal uit 1982 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Stephen King, geschreven onder de naam Richard Bachman. Op dit verhaal is later de film "The Running Man" gebaseerd, met Arnold Schwarzenegger in de hoofdrol. Het dystopische verhaal heeft een zekere parallel met "De marathon", een …

Bag of Bones is a 1998 novel by Stephen King. It focuses on an author who suffers severe writer's block and delusions at an isolated lake house four years after the death of his wife. It won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel in 1998, and the British Fantasy Award in 1999.The book re-uses many basic plot elements of …