image of Stephen King

Stephen King

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Four Past Midnight is a collection of novellas by Stephen King. It is his second book of this type, the first one being Different Seasons. The collection won the Bram Stoker Award in 1990 for best collection and was nominated for a Locus Award in 1991. In the introduction, Stephen King says that, while a collection of …

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A masterful, intensely suspenseful novel about a reader whose obsession with a reclusive writer goes far too far—a book about the power of storytelling, starring the same trio of unlikely and winning heroes King introduced in Mr. Mercedes.“Wake up, genius.” So begins King’s instantly riveting story about a vengeful …

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Az Ezüst pisztolygolyók Stephen King 1983-ban megjelent regénye. A mű alcíme "Cycle of the werewolf" ami "Az emberfarkas hónapjai"- ként szerepel a magyar fordításban. Ez egy utalás a naptártervre, amelyből megszületett a könyv. A regényből 1985-ben készült film, Ezüst pisztolygolyók címen.