Survival In Auschwitz by Primo Levi is widely considered to be one of the top classic books of all time. It is a work of witness written in narrative form by the author Primo Levi. Survival In Auschwitz was influenced by Primo Levi's experiences in the concentration camp at Auschwitz during World War 2 and it seeks to …
The Mirror Maker is a collection of stories and essays by Italian author Primo Levi originally published in the Italian newspaper La Stampa.
The Drowned and the Saved is a book of essays on life in the Nazi Vernichtungslager by Italian-Jewish author and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi, drawing on his personal experience as an inmate of Auschwitz. Whereas If This is a Man was autobiographical The Drowned and the Saved is an attempt at an analytical approach. …
The Wrench, published in the US under the title of The Monkey's Wrench, was one of Primo Levi's collections of stories. First published as La Chiave a Stella by Einaudi in 1978, the book was written after Levi had retired from SIVA. It takes the form of an interview by a chemist of a rigger. They are both working in a …
Other People's Trades are fifty-one essays written by Primo Levi between 1969 and 1985. These are, according to Levi, "the fruit of my roaming about as a curious dilettante for more than a decade." Mainly written for his regular column in La Stampa, the Turin daily newspaper], these essays range from book reviews, …
The Search for Roots: A Personal Anthology is a compilation of thirty pieces of prose and poetry selected by Italian-Jewish author and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi as part of an abortive project by his original Italian publisher Einaudi to identify the texts which most influenced major Italian writers.