The Autobiography of Charles Darwin is the autobiography of the British naturalist Charles Darwin which was published in 1887, five years after his death. Darwin wrote the book, which he entitled Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Character, for his family. He states that he started writing it on about …
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin is the autobiography of the British naturalist Charles Darwin which was published in 1887, five years after his death. Darwin wrote the book, which he entitled Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Character, for his family. He states that he started writing it on about …
"מוצא האדם" הוא ספרו של צ'ארלס דרווין, בו הרחיב את הרעיון שהציג בספרו הראשון "מוצא המינים" וטען כי גם האדם לא נוצר כמו שהוא, אלא נוצר, תוך התפתחות הדרגתית, מיצור שנכחד, אשר היה אב קדמון לאדם ולקופי האדם. הספר הוא אחד החיבורים הראשונים בתולדות חקר מוצא האדם וממניחי היסודות לאבולוציה של האדם. הספר חזה שיימצאו מאובני …
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals is a book by Charles Darwin, published in 1872, concerning genetically determined aspects of behaviour. It was published thirteen years after On the Origin of Species and alongside his 1871 book The Descent of Man, it is Darwin's main consideration of human origins. In …