The Green Brain, initially published as Greenslaves, is a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert.

The Dosadi Experiment is a science fiction novel written by Frank Herbert. It is the second full-length novel set in the ConSentiency universe established by Herbert in his novelette The Tactful Saboteur and continued in Whipping Star.

The Road to Dune is a treasure trove of essays, articles, and fiction that every reader of Dune will want to add to their shelf. Includes never-before-published chapters from Dune and Dune Messiah, original stories, and a new short novel by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson Frank Herbert's Dune is widely known as …

A Dűne istencsászára Frank Herbert Dűne-sorozatának 1981-ben megjelent negyedik része. A Publishers Weekly keményfedeles szépirodalmi listáján 11. helyet ért el 1981-ben. Magyarul Hoppán Eszter fordításában jelent meg 1994-ben Dűne Isten-császára címmel, majd 2004-ben a Szukits Könyvkiadó egységesített, lektorált …

The epic that began with the HUGO and NEBULA Award-winning classic DUNE continues ...The sand-blasted world of Arrakis has become green, watered and fertile. Old Paul Atreides, who led the desert Fremen to political and religious domination of the galaxy, is gone. But for the children of Dune, the very blossoming of …