Marvelous Discworld, which revolves on the backs of four great elephants and a big turtle, spins into Interesting Times, the 17th outing in Terry Pratchett's rollicking fantasy series. The gods are playing games again, and this time the mysterious Lady opposes Fate in a match of "Destinies of Nations Hanging by a …
Imagini mișcătoare este titlul celui de-al zecelea roman al seriei lui Terry Pratchett Lumea Disc. Acțiunea cărții se petrece în cel mai faimos oraș al Lumii Disc, Ankh-Morpork, și într-un orășel numit "Holy Wood". Este primul roman al Lumii Disc în care apare Mustrum Ridcully, Arhicancelarul Universității …
I Shall Wear Midnight is an Andre Norton Award-winning comic fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett set on the Discworld. It is the fourth novel within the Discworld series to be based on the character of Tiffany Aching. It was published on 2 September 2010 in the United Kingdom, and on 28 September in the United States. It …
Who would want to harm Discworld's most beloved icon? Very few things are held sacred in this twisted, corrupt, heartless -- and oddly familiar -- universe, but the Hogfather is one of them. Yet here it is, Hogswatchnight, that most joyous and acquisitive of times, and the jolly old, red-suited gift-giver has vanished …
Gărzi! Gărzi! este al optulea roman al seriei Lumea Disc, creată de Terry Pratchett. Este primul roman care se ocupă de Garda Orașului, iar acțiunea lui a stat la baza jocului Discworld.