Pub Date: 2014-10-28 Pages: 384 Language: English Publisher: Anchor Books NATIONAL BESTSELLER Steam is rising over Discworld Mister Simnel has produced a great clanging monster of a machine that harnesses the power of all the elements--.... earth. air. fire. and water -. and its soon drawing astonished crowds To the …

Prin cele străinătăți este al douăsprezecelea roman din Lumea Disc a lui Terry Pratchett.

Piramide este un roman de Terry Pratchett, al șaptelea din seria Lumea Disc, câștigător al premiului BSFA.

Only You Can Save Mankind is the first novel in the Johnny Maxwell trilogy of children's books and fifth young adult novel by Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld sequence of books. The following novels in the Johnny Maxwell Trilogy are Johnny and the Dead and Johnny and the Bomb. The setting of the novels in the …

Once More* With Footnotes is a book by Terry Pratchett, published by NESFA Press in 2004 when he was the Guest of Honor for Noreascon Four, the 62nd World Science Fiction Convention. It contains a mixture of short stories, articles, introductions to other books, and speeches, including his first published short story, …

O pălărie plină de cer este un roman al seriei Lumea Disc de Terry Pratchett și al doilea din subseria pentru adolescenți Tiffany Aching. Cartea a câștigat premiul Locus, premiul pentru fantezie și premiul asociaței ALA pentru tineri cititori. Tiffany se pregătește să-și înceapă ucenicia ca vrăjitoare, dar nu este …

Night Watch is the 29th novel in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, published in 2002. The protagonist of the novel is Sir Samuel Vimes, commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. A five-part radio adaptation of the novel was broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Night Watch placed second in the annual Locus Poll for best fantasy …