Santa Cruise: A Holiday Mystery at Sea is a book by Mary Higgiens Clark and Carol Higgins Clark.

In the short novel The Anastasia Syndrome, prominent historical writer Judith Chase is living in London and preparing for her marriage to Sir Stephen Hallett, expected to become England's next Prime Minister. Orphaned during World War II, Judith wants to trace her origins. In this quest, she goes to a renowned …

Mary Higgins Clark, the Queen of Suspense, celebrates the season with this Christmas classic featuring two of her most beloved characters. ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT All of Alvirah's deductive powers and Willy's world-class common sense are called upon as the two stumble into a Christmas mystery. A woman abandons her …

Just Take My Heart is a romantic suspense novel by Mary Higgins Clark and her daughter, Carol. It was released in print and Audio CD on April 7, 2009.

En esta nueva novela, Mary Higgins Clark se supera a sí misma para ofrecernos una intriga electrizante. La trama gira en torno a un brutal asesinato cuyo esclarecimiento concluye rápidamente para la policía, pero no así para la acusada. Todos los indicios y pruebas señalan a Molly Carpenter como autora del asesinato …