『モモ』は、ドイツの作家ミヒャエル・エンデによる児童文学作品。1973年刊。1974年にドイツ児童文学賞を受賞した。各国で翻訳されている。特に日本では根強い人気があり、日本での発行部数は本国ドイツに次ぐ。 …

The Night of Wishes: Or the Satanarchaeolidealcohellish Notion Potion is a book by the German children's book author Michael Ende that was first published in 1989 and awarded with the Swiss literary award "La vache qui lit" in 1990. The original German title was Der satanarchäolügenialkohöllische Wunschpunsch.

The mirror in the mirror. A Labyrinth is a collection of surreal short stories by Michael Ende originally published in 1984. All stories in the book have their own protagonists, but are related to each other by the use of literary leitmotivs. None of the stories has its own title. Ende wrote the 30 short stories - …