Øst for Paradis er en roman af John Steinbeck. Romanen, som er udgivet i 1952, regnes for en af Steinbecks bedste.
To hear the speech of the real America, to smell the grass and the trees, to see the colors and the light—these were John Steinbeck's goals as he set out, at the age of fifty-eight, to rediscover the country he had been writing about for so many years. With Charley, his French poodle, Steinbeck drives the interstates …
Perlen er en roman af John Steinbeck fra 1945. Perlen skiller sig ud fra den typiske Steinbeck-roman, der normalt står mejslet i socialrealistisk granit om 1920'erne fattige USA. Perlen er imidlertid skrevet med den samme urokkelige indignation, men handlingen fokuserer mere på almenmenneskelige modsætningsforhold end …
Perlen er en roman af John Steinbeck fra 1945. Perlen skiller sig ud fra den typiske Steinbeck-roman, der normalt står mejslet i socialrealistisk granit om 1920'erne fattige USA. Perlen er imidlertid skrevet med den samme urokkelige indignation, men handlingen fokuserer mere på almenmenneskelige modsætningsforhold end …
In his only work of political satire, The Short Reign of Pippin IV, John Steinbeck turns the French Revolution upside down as amateur astronomer Pippin Héristal is drafted to rule the unruly French. Steinbeck creates around the infamous Pippin the most hilarious royal court ever: Pippin’s wife, Queen Marie, who might …