A Hold börtönében egy 1966-ban megjelent sci-fi regény Robert A. Heinlein tollából, melyben a Holdra telepített elítéltek kezdenek függetlenségi háborúba a Föld ellen, hogy kivívják önállóságukat. A regény a libertarianizmust vizsgálja, valamint egy aprólékosan kidolgozott holdkolóniát tár az olvasó elé. A Hold …
When two male and two female supremely sensual, unspeakably cerebral humans find themselves under attack from aliens who want their awesome quantum breakthrough, they take to the skies -- and zoom into the cosmos on a rocket roller coaster ride of adventure and danger, ecstasy and peril.
Stranger in a Strange Land presents the epic saga of an earthling, Valentine Michael Smith, born and educated on Mars, who arrives on our planet with psi powers—telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, telekinesis, teleportation, pyrolysis, and the ability to take control of the minds of others—and complete innocence …
Assignment in Eternity, is a collection of four mixed science fiction and fantasy novellas by Robert A. Heinlein, first published in hardcover by Fantasy Press in 1953, with some of the stories somewhat revised from their original magazine publications, as follows: Gulf. Lost Legacy Elsewhen, Jerry Was a Man Heinlein …