Dilvish, the Damned is a collection of fantasy stories by American writer Roger Zelazny, first published in 1982. Its contents were originally published as a series of separate short stories in various fantasy magazines. Prior to publication, Zelazny's working title for the book was Nine Black Doves. The working title …

Eye of Cat is a 1982 science fiction novel written by Roger Zelazny. It was among his five personal favorite novels from his own oeuvre.

The Changing Land is a Locus Award nominated fantasy novel written by Roger Zelazny, first published in 1981. The novel resolves the storyline from the various Dilvish, the Damned short stories Elements of the story intentionally reflect the work of H. P. Lovecraft and Frank Belknap Long, including the Hounds of …

To Die in Italbar is a science fiction novel by Roger Zelazny. To Die in Italbar follows Mr. H, a man who needs only to touch someone to heal or hurt them, during a deadly galactic pandemic. The novel contains a cameo by Francis Sandow, the protagonist of Isle of the Dead, but it is not a sequel. Zelazny originally …

Isle of the Dead is a science fiction novel by Roger Zelazny published in 1969. It was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1969, and won the French Prix Apollo in 1972. The title refers to the several paintings by Swiss-German painter Arnold Böcklin. In the novel, Francis Sandow refers to “that mad …

Lord Demon is a 1999 posthumous novel by Roger Zelazny completed by Jane Lindskold. It is a "scientific" fantasy built on favorite themes of Roger Zelazny, drawing on East Asian, Irish, and hero's quest myths. It features his signature protagonist: a smart-mouthed cigarette-smoking erudite who can be poetic yet is …

My Name Is Legion is an anthology of three stories by American writer Roger Zelazny, compiled in 1976. The stories feature a common protagonist who is never named.

Changeling is a 1980 fantasy novel by Roger Zelazny. It was nominated for a Locus Award in 1981, and was followed by a sequel, Madwand.

Unicorn Variations is a collection of stories and essays by author Roger Zelazny, published in 1983. The title story, "Unicorn Variation", was written as a result of Zelazny having been asked to contribute to two different upcoming anthologies — one collecting stories set in bars, and one collecting stories about …