image of Ian Stewart

Ian Stewart

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Greeted with terrific reviews, the first edition of this book proved to be widely popular as both a teaching aid and an entertaining introduction to modern mathematics. It succeeded in opening the door for general readers to the power and beauty of a field often thought of as remote and lifeless. In fact, more …

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Věda na Zeměploše je zvláštní knihou z Pratchetovy série příběhů o Zeměploše. Děj této knihy probíhá ve dvou rovinách, Terry Pratchett rozvíjí svůj příběh o pokusu mágů na Neviditelné univerzitě v Ankh-Morporku a současně druzí dva autoři, Ian Stewart a Jack Cohen popisují pohled naší současné astrofyziky a biologie …

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Wheelers is a science fiction novel written by English mathematician Ian Stewart and reproductive biologist Jack Cohen, figures notable for both their personal scholarly work and numerous individual and collaborative contributions to the world of science fiction. The book was originally released in hardcover form in …

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Why Beauty Is Truth: A History of Symmetry is a 2007 book by Ian Stewart.