Figments of Reality: The Evolution of the Curious Mind is a book about the evolution of the intelligent and conscious human mind by biologist Jack Cohen and mathematician Ian Stewart.
First there was Edwin A. Abbott's remarkable Flatland, published in 1884, and one of the all-time classics of popular mathematics. Now, from mathematician and accomplished science writer Ian Stewart, comes what Nature calls "a superb sequel." Through larger-than-life characters and an inspired story line, Flatterland …
Most people are familiar with history’s great equations: Newton’s Law of Gravity, for instance, or Einstein’s theory of relativity. But the way these mathematical breakthroughs have contributed to human progress is seldom appreciated. In In Pursuit of the Unknown, celebrated mathematician Ian Stewart untangles the …
Kirjeitä nuorelle matemaatikolle on brittiläisen matemaatikon Ian Stewartin vuonna 2006 julkaistu kirja, joka esittelee matematiikkaa alana ja urana. Stewart mainitsee teoksen olevan osittainen päivitys G. H. Hardyn teokselle Matemaatikon apologia. Teoksen on julkaissut suomeksi Terra Cognita vuonna 2007. Sen on …