Death Comes for the Archbishop is a 1927 novel by American author Willa Cather. It concerns the attempts of a Catholic bishop and a priest to establish a diocese in New Mexico Territory. The novel was included in Life Magazine's list of the 100 outstanding books of 1924-1944. It was also included on Time's 100 Best …

Willa Cather, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, considered My Antonia to be one of her best works, and critic H.L. Mencken claimed it was one of the best American novels ever written. Published in 1918, the novel compassionately and intimately traces the story of a Bohemian family as they settle on the Great Plains in …

Nessuno può sottrarsi allo charme di Myra Henshawe: né gli amici artisti, cui riserva una conversazione dove vibra «una lingua speciale» e un’incorreggibile prodigalità, né gli «amici ricconi», che subiscono rassegnati il suo sarcasmo fulmineo. Adorabile e imperiosa, Myra sembra avere proprio tutto. Anche un marito …